I only have 22 days of school left (not including weekends) or 30 (with weekends) however you see it. I am graduating in 38 days, 22 hours, 48 minutes and 31 seconds. Since I am headed to college in the fall and this is my last summer as a "kid" I want to make the most of it. Since I never babysit teens, but I know some of my viewers have teens I thought I would post what I'm doing as well as what I'm doing with Bo.
I have started my summer bucket list and Pinterest board. I'm hoping do at least one thing a day and get it all done by the time school starts. Part of my goal in doing the things is to get me out of my comfort zone because I've never left it...ever...not even once. I'm kind of an introvert. Anyways I will be posting that for you guys this summer.
I have already completed my lessons plans for my summer with Bo and have almost bought everything too. We will do a craft, activity, and something messy every day. Each week we will have a new small-world-play sensory box. Since I will have him three days a week each day we will do something special. One day a week we will cook, on another we will go to the park and on the final day we will go to the library. I'm hoping the toddler reading program is run on one of these days, but if not that's fine we can still go read.
I'm am super pumped for Summer 2013! Stick around for stories, how-tos and lots of ideas. If you have any suggestions for my bucket list, blog, babysitting or you just wanted to say hi leave a comment. I would love to hear from you guys. I have over a thousand views, but no comments. Let me know what you guys think.