
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Earlier this month I picked Bo up from school and we spent the afternoon together.

We watched a little TV and ate lunch. I was apparently on the only piece of floor, so Gus and Bo laid on me.

We made some snowflake/ monster ornaments with Borax.

We twisted together white pipe cleaners and used ribbon and tape to hold them in the cup. I mixed 1/3 cup of Borax and 2 cups of boiling water. Once the Borax dissolved I divided it among the cups as let it sit for 24 hours. 

The crystals formed and made cute little ornaments.

I made another wintery box. I exchanged the fake snow with rice.

I also added the Artic ocean, complete with icebergs!

We ended our day with a Christmas coloring page.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Frosty the Snowman

First up was a snowman. I bought big men's socks at the dollar store. Bo filled it with rice. I tied a knot in the top to keep it in and a white ribbon around the neck to make a head and body. I threw it in the microwave for a couple minutes to prevent bugs.

While it cooled he did a Cars puzzle I found at the Dollar Tree.

I used the top of the sock to create a hat. I tied a piece of red felt to the top of the hat to close it. I glued red felt stripes to the hat upon Bo's request and also made a scarf. Bo then directed me in button placement. I used the hot glue gun, but he picked the buttons and pointed to where he wanted them.

I got a new, bigger box for better small world play and hopefully less mess. The base is fake snow. I built the cabin for a box I'm planning for this summer, but it worked well in here ad I added the arctic toob.

The roof came off for more play.

Drew was the first one into the box, but everybody enjoyed it. Bo played for a long time.

I made new red play dough for Christmas. Bo enjoyed that too.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Boys, Boys, Boys, and More Boys

I watched four boys yesterday. Beckham (5), Griffin (4), Paxton (2), and Jack (1)
 The three oldest played with Cookie Monster for 2 or three hours.

When Jack woke up we went outside and played in the leaves.

Griffin loved throwing them on people.

Paxton just chillin'
 Beckham climbed the tree,

so of course Griffin had to too.

We got the bikes and bubbles out too.

When it got dark we went inside for dinner. We then headed to the bathtub. I got everybody in and added cars, critters, and shaving cream. They had a blast. When they were tired of that I fill up the tub for the actual bath. Once Jack was clean I threw in some glow sticks and turned off the light. Beckham told me that he had fun and nobody was ready for bed. When I left though, they were sleeping like rocks.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Last night Bo, Drew, and I hung out.

Bo made some adorable Thanksgiving pot holders for his momma.

He played with this fall sensory box while watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I found all of this at the Dollar Tree. 

He played with the orange play dough I made last time I babysat him. He LOVES feeding Cookie Monster!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Facebook Official

In case you didn't notice I added some social networking buttons as well as an email subscription to the side bar. Please like, follow, and subscribe!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

33 Ways To Paint

Bo told me that his favorite thing we did was paint, so this summer I painted with him as often and in as many ways as possible. Here is a compilation of all the different ways I have had the kids paint since the start of my blog.
  1. Snow Painting- This was my very first post about babysitting. Grace painted snow in the bathtub. It was an absolute hit. She painted 2 bowls until they were melted.

  2. Marble Painting-  The grandma was very impressed with painting technique. I've done it twice now and both boys loved it. It was just enough action to keep their attention. Another one with slightly better planning.

  3. Painting Over Masking Tape- This might have worked better on a canvas, but it turned out ok with construction paper. It helped add some design to a little kid's painting. Here is a turtle one.

  4. Painting on Aluminum Foil- This made a wonderful Rainbow Fish and a decorative Bo.

  5. Coffee Filter Butterflies- This is a classic elementary school craft for a reason. He loved the result, it was easy enough for both of us, and I had the supplies on hand.

  6. Hand Print Dinosaur- What boy wouldn't love a dinosaur named after him?

  7. Hand Print Calendar- And what mom wouldn't appreciate this?

  8. Painting in a Bag- This was the cleanest painting I think I've ever done with a kid. It also makes a nice place to practice letters or draw.

  9. Koosh Ball Fireworks-  I loved this one because it turned out so well. Both the big boy and the little boy got in on this one. We did it again a year later.

  10. Fly Swatter Painting- Again this is right up any boy's alley. Here we did it again.

  11. Snap Painting- This was very messy, but it made a cool looking paper. Another good boy one.

  12. Sponge Painting- This was a dollar store find. And can be done again.

  13. Car Painting- The title should make it obvious that this is another hit with boys. Here is another example with different tracks.

  14. Sidewalk Paint- I did this a few times seeing as it is great summer activity. Here it is again with a better recipe. Again, but in balloons.

  15. Salad Spinner Painting- This made cool shirts and papers. Bo loved to spin it super fast.

  16. Bubble Wrap Painting- This was a "green" activity. The paint brush was made from things rescued from the trashcan.

  17. Toilet Paper Tube Painting- This is another recycled activity. It has so many possibilities. Here is a cute fall example.

  18. Painting with Shaving Cream- This made the paper soft and smell good.

  19. Feet Painting- Ok who hasn't painted with their feet? It is just one of those kid things.

  20. Father's Day Hands- Mom, Dad, and Grandma liked this.

  21. Painting the House- and car and driveway and dog

  22. Blow Paint- This would make cool monsters if you add googley eyes.

  23. Painting with Combs- Anything can be a paint brush.

  24. Painting with Pom Poms- This also makes good fireworks

  25. Paint Capturing- This one is very messy, but if the tray has a design it is captured in the otherwise boring paint smear.

  26. Painting a Bird House- Bo loved this for the novelty I think.

  27. Cookie Cutter Painting- Bo kept asking for more paper for this one.

  28. Painting with Water- This could also be done outside on the driveway.

  29. Body Paint- This was fun and moisturizing

  30. Frozen Painting- Another great summertime activity.

  31. Bathtub Paint- Homemade paint so it is cheaper than store bought.

  32. Bubble Painting- This is a two person activity to be done outside.

  33. Animal Feet Painting- This is a good lesson on animal tracks.