So I didn't have the kiddos very much in November, but that didn't stop us from having some fun.

This was Bo's box. The base is beans, but I added in some fake leaves and gords for fun. Our characters were from the Jamestown Toob.

This was Amelia's box. The base is rolled oats. Gus did wind up eating it all because it got left in the floor. Lol

We watched Thanksgiving Charlie Brown.

We had playdough scented with nutmeg.

Along with the playdough our bags also had Thanksgiving pictures to color.

On the last Thursday before Thanksgiving we made a handprint apron. Bo's are the Indian and the boy pilgrim. Amelia's are therefore the girl pilgrim and the turkey. I wore the apron while serving a Thanksgiving meal at church. After I borrowed his hands he borrowed mine and made a turkey on a paper. It was very cute. He painted my hand and pressed each finger down and told me to lift it straight up. Then I was instructed not to touch anything and go wash my hand. So sweet.
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